Amusing Ourselves to Death(otpok.com)
68 points by yamrzou 1 hour ago | 11 comments
Fraud, so much fraud(science.org)
1083 points by nabla9 14 hours ago | 113 comments
Everything you need to know about Python 3.13 – JIT and GIL went up the hill(drew.silcock.dev)
82 points by chmaynard 6 hours ago | 4 comments
SAML: A Technical Primer(ssoready.com)
179 points by ned_at_codomain 12 hours ago | 13 comments
Obsessed with Cuttle: Parametric CAD for prototyping, producing, and procrastin(hannahilea.com)
106 points by todsacerdoti 11 hours ago | 6 comments
How AlphaChip transformed computer chip design(deepmind.google)
232 points by isof4ult 15 hours ago | 28 comments
Photoroom (YC S20) Is Hiring an API Engineer in Paris (Node.js)(jobs.ashbyhq.com)
1 point by ea016 30 minutes ago | 0 comment
It's hard to write code for computers, but it's harder to write code for humans(erikbern.com)
370 points by imartin2k 21 hours ago | 36 comments
Lion Cove: Intel's P-Core Roars(chipsandcheese.com)
85 points by luyu_wu 10 hours ago | 7 comments
Refactoring Python with Tree-sitter and Jedi(jackevans.bearblog.dev)
100 points by todsacerdoti 3 days ago | 13 comments
Ocean waves grow way beyond known limits(phys.org)
25 points by wglb 4 days ago | 9 comments
MTA Open Data Challenge(new.mta.info)
205 points by oftenwrong 18 hours ago | 13 comments
Collaborative text editing with Eg-Walker: Better, faster, smaller(arxiv.org)
180 points by czx111331 18 hours ago | 7 comments
My MEGA65 is finally here(lyonsden.net)
147 points by harel 17 hours ago | 12 comments
Raft: Understandable Distributed Consensus (2014)(thesecretlivesofdata.com)
179 points by Hrun0 18 hours ago | 16 comments
Python for Inversive and Hyperbolic Geometry(psu.ac.th)
50 points by thunderbong 11 hours ago | 4 comments
The Architecture of London Pubs (1966)(thelondonmagazine.org)
78 points by youbet 12 hours ago | 7 comments
Reading texts on paper versus computer screen: Effects on reading comprehension [pdf](clikmedia.ca)
51 points by sturza 3 days ago | 8 comments
Automatic Content Recognition Tracking in Smart TVs(arxiv.org)
62 points by some_furry 1 day ago | 10 comments
Linearizability Refinement Prophecy(surfingcomplexity.blog)
3 points by mrtz 3 days ago | 0 comment
US Trademark Office Cancels Marvel, DC's 'Super Hero' Marks(reuters.com)
125 points by h2odragon 8 hours ago | 9 comments
It is never too later to write your own C/C++ command-line utilities(lemire.me)
33 points by mfiguiere 3 hours ago | 8 comments
LlamaF: An Efficient Llama2 Architecture Accelerator on Embedded FPGAs(arxiv.org)
91 points by PaulHoule 19 hours ago | 4 comments
Preventing app removal on iOS(tinycoder.pika.page)
110 points by logistra 4 days ago | 17 comments
Show HN: Quadratic – native JavaScript support in a spreadsheet(quadratichq.com)
83 points by Manchego79 16 hours ago | 15 comments
Legalizing sports gambling was a mistake(theatlantic.com)
1088 points by jimbob45 1 day ago | 111 comments
Tandem OLED is OLED's latest weapon in holding off MicroLED, QDEL(arstechnica.com)
65 points by rbanffy 3 days ago | 5 comments
Gaussian Frosting: Editable complex radiance fields with real-time rendering(anttwo.github.io)
67 points by hellohello2 16 hours ago | 2 comments
The CRPG Book Project (2023)(crpgbook.wordpress.com)
94 points by ibobev 18 hours ago | 17 comments
I locked myself in my apartment for 4 years to build this humanoid(twitter.com)
4 points by lethic 1 hour ago | 2 comments