Open source software for modeling soft materials(
29 points by nill0 3 days ago | 7 comments
AlbertoGP 2 hours ago
> The Morpho language. Morpho is a programmable environment for shape optimization and scientific computing tasks more generally. Morpho aims to be:

> - Familiar. Morpho uses syntax similar to other C-family languages. The syntax fits on a postcard, so it's easy to learn.

> - Fast. Morpho programs run as efficiently as other well-implemented dynamic languages like wren or lua (Morpho is often significantly faster than Python, for example). Morpho leverages numerical libraries like BLAS, LAPACK and SUITESPARSE to provide high performance.

> - Class-based. Morpho is highly object-oriented, which simplifies coding and enables reusability.

> - Extendable. Functionality is easy to add via packages, both in Morpho and in C or other compiled languages. Packages can be downloaded, installed and distributed via the morphopm package manager.

> MIT License

> Languages: C 98.8% Python 0.7% CMake 0.5% Batchfile 0.0% Makefile 0.0% Objective-C 0.0%

That builds, the CLI is at:

I’m not involved in this project in any way, just trying it out because it sounds interesting.

theknarf 19 minutes ago
This youtube video (that was linked in their readme, seems to go into more details:

megaloblasto 1 hour ago
Does anyone who wasnt involved in creating these large open source math libraries have good success in using them? During my phd I tinkered with so many different PDE solvers, FEM packages and the like, and I ended up just coding everything from scratch for my specific problem. I don't know about Morpho specifically, but I often found it so difficult to understand how the authors were thinking about the problem that it wasn't worth the time to learn the ins and out of the software.
xyzal 23 minutes ago
Beautiful project! I've been obsessed with modeling soft materials since playing Dead or Alive in the 90s.
twnettytwo 2 hours ago
This is likely just Journalism, but the title (that of the original article) is slightly misleading. This appears to be a programming language for modelling soft materials... although I am not sure (having looked only at the Github repo and RTD) I understand what kind of research this targets... the roadmap and API makes it seem fairly general purpose - IMO it would be nice to see some (atleast potential) usecases directly in the repository.
whatshisface 38 minutes ago
Why's this a programming language rather than a library?
awinter-py 1 hour ago
> Now There’s an Open-Source Software for Modeling Soft Materials
